Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rehabilitation of Alcoholics

Rehabilitation of Alcoholics, Alcohol abuse refers to chronic consumption and the desire for alcohol, thereby disrupting the social and economic functions of the normal person. Alcohol Rehab tries to treat and bring back the victims of this condition is normal. The alcohol can not stop his desire to drink. He failed to complete its obligations at work or home. He's doing a dangerous condition, including drunk driving. He may have legal problems, and can not and will not stop drinking despite personal problems, and a medical official.

Alcoholism can be fatal. It affects the health of addicts in many ways. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is an irreversible condition associated with excessive alcohol consumption by pregnant women. This led to the death of the physical and mental deficiencies and even fetuses. Another condition is the killer Cirrhosis, caused by alcoholism and lead to liver failure and death.
Rehabilitation of Alcoholics
Rehabilitation of Alcoholics
Alcohol Rehab must be done carefully by trained medical professionals. It involves the evaluation and management of acute alcohol withdrawal, treatment of nutritional deficiencies, detoxification and maintenance of abstinence. Alcoholism treatment initially involves the management of alcohol withdrawal. Treatment includes the use of thiamine and folate meal infusion to prevent Wernicke's syndrome Kosakoff (eye disorder). Seizures should be treated with Benzodiazepines.

After completion of medical management, a psychosocial rehabilitation program should be done. This includes educating the entire family of an individual, patient or group therapy, or even spiritual '12 steps to sobriety program 'provided by Alcoholics Anonymous. There are several important points to remember. supervised withdrawal is the first step and should not be rushed. Quickly can be fatal. A medically supervised detox program is the first step. The next step is to choose the Rehab center. Find a treatment center is associated not only with addiction but thorough overview of psychosocial and legal issues.

Rehabilitation of Alcoholics
This program should involve a large number of therapies - counseling and jobs. Therapy or counseling is very important for the treatment of alcohol. Patients learn to resist alcohol use, replace drug-using activities with constructive and rewarding activities. They were asked to avoid the misuse of alcohol company. They also studied the return to normal family and social life patterns. Treatment involves continuous monitoring for alcohol use. Some people may require medication for their treatment, and this should also be monitored. Some may suffer from mental problems that need special treatment. The duration of treatment may vary with each case, but three months is safe period to care the most.

The key point is that no single formula for Rehab. Successful treatment depends on finding the right program and methods. Effective treatment must address drug use and patient-related medical problems, social, psychological, vocational, and legal. Possible long-term care, involving periods of relapse. Important point is not to give hope, but work patiently until you achieve complete abstinence.Rehabilitation of Alcoholics.


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