You are still single, may choose to enjoy a Saturday night with a drink of wine or other alcoholic beverages. However, based on research, it is known that a person who is in a relationship, less likely to consume alcohol.
The study states that:
1) Four percent of people who have a love affair for two or four years, is still addicted to alcohol,
2) Three percent of people who have a love affair for over five years, is still addicted to alcohol,
3) 12 percent of people who are not in a love affair at the age of 30, addicted to alcohol,
4) 13.5 percent of people who are not in a love affair for two years, is really experiencing severe alcoholism.
Falling in love makes us stay young
We all know that falling in love and sex are two different things naturally. But falling in love is usually very influential on our aging process. Research has shown that falling in love makes us stay young. Based on research conducted at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, showed that women who have sex four or five times a week, will look 10 years younger than actual age.
Consultant neurophysiologist Dr. David Weeks said the couple who love each other, not just looking to have a better body shape, but also affects the physical and emotional condition. So, maybe next time we would all prefer baby oil as an anti aging cream.
Love is good for women, bad for the guy?
Based on research by English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, showed that women who are in a love affair, will have higher qualities than usually, but not the same as those that occur on their husbands or partners, who actually has the qualities that lower than normal.
Although it seems that it is more favorable for women than men, but the people who would love affair with a much happier than the people who are single. Other studies provide results that 40 percent of married couples said they were happy, and only 25 percent of the people who say they are happy singles.
Improve the mental health of our love
Love gives a number of advantages for our health, including mental health can improve for the women and men who are in a love affair. In New Zealand, a team from the University of Otago conducted a study on 1000 people. They found that people who have a love affair for over five years, will be less likely to have depression or commit suicide than those who are single. Other studies provide results that people get married, have a lower level to experience depression and stress than those who are single.
Love makes us more frequently birthday
Falling in love will make us birthday more than once a year. But that does not mean we will actually be her birthday. Research shows that male mortality singles aged 30 to 59 years, two and a half times higher than non-singles men!
The death rate of women singles are also 23 percent higher than married women. The researchers said this because the people who singles have far worse health, lower income and socially isolated. Support from others will help us maintain health.
Love cures for heart disease
Probably just a coincidence, that love is described with the heart symbol. Based on research conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester in New York, gives the result that a happy relationship will provide heart resistance three times better. Research shows that a good marriage, will provide benefits for heart health, such as stopping smoking, maintaining weight, and minimize the risk of high blood pressure.
Another study conducted at the University of North Carolina, and the Human Communication Research. They both discover that love can have positive effects on cholesterol.
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